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Construction of a Shrine

Temples have a great significance in India, & in a country like India, they say there are crores of gods. There are a lot of temples in almost every part of the country. One such temple, of ‘The Mahapurush’ is situated in the village of Mirya, Ratnagiri (Maharashtra). The Mahapurush is considered as almighty in the Mirya village. There are various stories about the Mahapurush, each one different from the other. One such, that I heard from a grandmother, who has been living in Mirya for the past 78 years went like- तो नेहमी लोकांसाठी चांगले करतो; एकदा एक माणूस उशीरा घरी परतत होता; तो खूप थकला होता आणि त्याने थोडा वेळ आराम करण्याचा विचार केला; तो इतका थकला होता की तो तिथेच झोपी गेला; जेव्हा तो जागा झाला तेव्हा त्याला कळले की तो त्याच्या पलंगावर आहेI हा आपल्या महापुरुषाचा चमत्कार आहेI

The people of Mirya had different stories for the Mahapurush, but everyone believed in his presence. They have constructed a temple(महापुरुषाचे मंदिर) for him, very close to the village , on the  only permanent road the village had. On the other side of the village was the ocean, on which the whole village, was once dependent for some or the other reason. Fishing was once an important occupation of Mirya. Sand smugglers, got their money by selling the beach sand, and a lot of villagers got their food from the sea. The समुद्र देव, has been providing so much to the villagers, but neither has anyone worshipped him ever, nor has anyone built a temple for him. Has this offended Varuna (समुद्र देव)?  Has this made him jealous of the Mahapurush? Has this made him angry? A lot of villagers think that Varuna is angry. How? There have been constant floods in the past decade, which have led to the damage of a lot of fishing boats & also a lot of houses in the village. Again, it all comes to whether the people of Mirya believe it or not. Some of them do, some of them don’t. Is there any solution this? What if a ‘space’ is built for the समुद्र देव? Will it make him less angry? Will it lessen the floods? Will it make him happy? It might be worth a try. And even if it doesn’t make him less angry, there will always be a place for people to gather, sit around, meditate or do whatever they want. The space can be like a lot of ramps, that have varied heights and they meet some other ramp at some point. The ramps can be placed near the sea shore, where people can ascend and descend the ramps from any side they want. That ramp will basically keep Varuna connected with Mirya. The construction of such ramps might get the people more close to each other & it can also happen that Varuna forgives the villagers(if they think that he is angry on them). The floods might lessen or stop, leading to less property damage. And if not, there is always a large space for people to gather.

Model at 1:50 Scale
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Model at 1:200 Scale
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Comparing Models Through  Scales (1:50 & 1:200)
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Locating the shrine through the site model (Scale-1:200)
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Locating the shrine on the site & it's Plan & Section
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Construction Details, Joineries & Details of Ramp 1

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Construction details and measurements of Ramp 2,3,4&5
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