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Understanding Form & Movement
(Insect Module)

The module started with sketching out characteristic features of insects  which we disliked/ liked.

I started working with the mechanism of the mandibles of a stag beetle. I learnt a lot about stag beetles throughout the process. Some of the important learnings were:

1) The mandibles function as a weapon for stag beetles and hence are very strong.

2) Stag beetles have the largest mandibles among all insects. 

3) The stag beetle uses its mandibles to grasp, crush, or cut the insect's food, or to defend against        predators or rivals.

Conceptual Sketches :

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insect module_2.jpg
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insect module_3.jpg
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These sketches and observations were later developed into wooden forms for a better understanding of the mechanism and the form of the insect. 

WhatsApp Image 2022-04-05 at 9.48.08 PM.jpg

Design & Construction Credits :
Racca Samkit, Turakane Devesh, Bharmal Shreyash

We developed an insect with a mechanism that causes its mandibles to move as it usually does, using wood, screws and plastic threads.

The mechanism is shown in the video below:

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